Chapter 143. µITRON API
Table of Contents
- 143.1. Introduction to µITRON
- 143.2. µITRON and eCos
- 143.3. Task Management Functions
- 143.4. Task-Dependent Synchronization Functions
- 143.5. Synchronization and Communication Functions
- 143.6. Extended Synchronization and Communication Functions
- 143.7. Interrupt management functions
- 143.8. Memory pool Management Functions
- 143.9. Time Management Functions
- 143.10. System Management Functions
- 143.11. Network Support Functions
- 143.12. µITRON Configuration FAQ
The µITRON specification defines a highly flexible operating system architecture designed specifically for application in embedded systems. The specification addresses features which are common to the majority of processor architectures and deliberately avoids virtualization which would adversely impact real-time performance. The µITRON specification may be implemented on many hardware platforms and provides significant advantages by reducing the effort involved in understanding and porting application software to new processor architectures.
Several revisions of the µITRON specification exist. In this release, eCos supports the µITRON version 3.02 specification, with complete “Standard functionality” (level S), plus many “Extended” (level E) functions. An exception is get_tid() which has µITRON 4 semantics. The definitive reference on µITRON is Dr. Sakamura‚s book: µITRON 3.0, An Open and Portable Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Systems. The book can be purchased from the IEEE Press, and an ASCII version of the standard can be found online at
143.2. µITRON and eCos
The eCos kernel implements the functionality used by the µITRON compatibility subsystem. The configuration of the kernel influences the behavior of µITRON programs.
In particular, the default configuration has time slicing
(also known as round-robin scheduling) switched on; this means that
a task can be moved from RUN
state at any time, in
order that one of its peers may run. This is not strictly conformant
to the µITRON specification, which
states that timeslicing may be implemented by periodically issuing
a rot_rdq(0)
call from
within a periodic task or cyclic handler; otherwise it is expected
that a task runs until it is pre-empted in consequence of synchronization
or communication calls it makes, or the effects of an interrupt
or other external event on a higher priority task cause that task
to become READY
. To disable timeslicing
functionality in the kernel and µITRON
compatibility environment, please disable the
configuration option in the kernel package. A description of kernel
scheduling is in Kernel Overview.
For another example, the semantics of task queueing when waiting on a synchronization object depend solely on the way the underlying kernel is configured. As discussed above, the multi-level queue scheduler is the only one which is µITRON compliant, and it queues waiting tasks in FIFO order. Future releases of that scheduler might be configurable to support priority ordering of task queues. Other schedulers might be different again: for example the bitmap scheduler can be used with the µITRON compatibility layer, even though it only allows one task at each priority and as such is not µITRON compliant, but it supports only priority ordering of task queues. So which queueing scheme is supported is not really a property of the µITRON compatibility layer; it depends on the kernel.
In this version of the µITRON
compatibility layer, the calls to disable and enable scheduling
and interrupts (dis_dsp()
, loc_cpu()
and unl_cpu()
call underlying kernel functions; in particular, the xxx_dsp()
lock the scheduler entirely, which prevents dispatching of DSRs; functions
implemented by DSRs include clock counters and alarm timers. Thus time “stops” while
dispatching is disabled with dis_dsp()
Like all parts of the eCos system, the
detailed semantics of the µITRON layer
are dependent on its configuration and the configuration of other components
that it uses. The µITRON configuration
options are all defined in the file pkgconf/uitron.h
and can be set using the configuration tool or editing the
file in your build directory by hand.
An important configuration option for the µITRON
compatibility layer is “Option: Return Error Codes for Bad Params”
), which allows a lot of the error
checking code in the µITRON compatibility layer to
be removed. Of course this leaves a program open to undetected errors,
so it should only be used once an application is fully debugged and
tested. Its benefits include reduced code size and faster execution.
However, it affects the API significantly, in that with this option
enabled, bad calls do not return errors, but cause an assert
failure (if that is itself enabled) or malfunction internally. There
is discussion in more detail about this in each section below.
We now give a brief description of the µITRON
functions which are implemented in this release. Note that all C
and C++ source files should have the following #include
#include <cyg/compat/uitron/uit_func.h>
143.3. Task Management Functions
The following functions are fully supported in this release:
ER sta_tsk
ID tskid,
INT stacd )
void ext_tsk
( void )
void exd_tsk
( void )
ER dis_dsp
( void )
ER ena_dsp
( void )
ER chg_pri
ID tskid,
PRI tskpri )
ER rot_rdq
PRI tskpri )
ER get_tid
ID *p_tskid )
ER ref_tsk
T_RTSK *pk_rtsk,
ID tskid )
ER ter_tsk
ID tskid )
ER rel_wai
ID tskid )
The following two functions are supported in this release,
when enabled with the configuration option
with some restrictions:
ER cre_tsk
ID tskid,
T_CTSK *pk_ctsk )
ER del_tsk
ID tskid )
These functions are restricted as follows:
Because of the static initialization facilities provided for
system objects, a task is allocated stack space statically in the
configuration. So while tasks can be created and deleted, the same
stack space is used for that task (task ID number) each time. Thus
the stack size (pk_ctsk->stksz) requested in cre_tsk()
checked for being less than that which was statically allocated,
and otherwise ignored. This ensures that the new task will have
enough stack to run. For this reason del_tsk()
not in any sense free the memory that was in use for the task's
The task attributes (pk_ctsk->tskatr) are ignored; current versions of eCos do not need to know whether a task is written in assembler or C/C++ so long as the procedure call standard appropriate to the CPU is followed.
Extended information (pk_ctsk->exinf) is ignored.
143.3.1. Error checking
For all these calls, an invalid task id (tskid) (less than
1 or greater than the number of configured tasks) only returns E_ID
when bad params return errors (
is enabled, see above).
Similarly, the following conditions are only checked for,
and only return errors if
is enabled:
pk_crtk in
is a valid pointer, otherwise return E_PAR -
on the calling task returns E_OBJ -
the CPU is not locked already in
; returns E_CTX -
priority level in
is checked for validity, E_PAR -
return value pointer in
is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
The following conditions are checked for, and return
error codes if appropriate, regardless of the setting of
When create and delete functions
are supported, all calls which use a valid task ID number check that the task exists; if not, E_NOEXS is returned -
When supported,
: the task must not already exist; otherwise E_OBJ -
When supported,
: the requested stack size must not be larger than that statically configured for the task; see the configuration options “Static initializers”, and “Default stack size”. Else E_NOMEM -
When supported,
: the underlying eCos thread must not be running - this would imply either a bug or some program bypassing the µITRON compatibility layer and manipulating the thread directly. E_OBJ -
: the task must be dormant, else E_OBJ -
: the task must not be dormant, else E_OBJ -
: the task must not be dormant, else E_OBJ -
: the task must be inWAIT
state, else E_OBJ
143.4. Task-Dependent Synchronization Functions
These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER sus_tsk
ID tskid )
ER rsm_tsk
ID tskid )
ER frsm_tsk
ID tskid )
ER slp_tsk
( void )
ER tslp_tsk
TMO tmout )
ER wup_tsk
ID tskid )
ER can_wup
INT *p_wupcnt, ID tskid )
143.4.1. Error checking
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return
errors if
is enabled (see the configuration option “Return Error Codes for Bad
invalid tskid; less than 1 or greater than
returns E_ID -
on the calling task returns E_OBJ -
dispatching is enabled in
, or E_CTX - tmout must be positive, otherwise E_PAR
return value pointer in
is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
The following conditions are checked for, and can
return error codes, regardless of the setting of
When create and delete functions
are supported, all calls which use a valid task ID number check that the task exists; if not, E_NOEXS is returned -
: the task must not be dormant, else E_OBJ -
: the task must be suspended, else E_OBJ -
: return codes E_TMOUT, E_RLWAI and E_DLT are returned depending on the reason for terminating the sleep -
: the task must not be dormant, or E_OBJ is returned
143.5. Synchronization and Communication Functions
These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER sig_sem
ID semid )
ER wai_sem
ID semid )
ER preq_sem
ID semid )
ER twai_sem
ID semid, TMO tmout )
ER ref_sem
T_RSEM *pk_rsem , ID semid )
ER set_flg
ID flgid, UINT setptn )
ER clr_flg
ID flgid, UINT clrptn )
ER wai_flg
UINT *p_flgptn, ID flgid ,
UINT waiptn , UINT wfmode )
ER pol_flg
UINT *p_flgptn, ID flgid ,
UINT waiptn , UINT wfmode )
ER twai_flg
UINT *p_flgptn ID flgid ,
UINT waiptn , UINT wfmode, TMO tmout )
ER ref_flg
T_RFLG *pk_rflg, ID flgid )
ER snd_msg
ID mbxid, T_MSG *pk_msg )
ER rcv_msg
T_MSG **ppk_msg, ID mbxid )
ER prcv_msg
T_MSG **ppk_msg, ID mbxid )
ER trcv_msg
T_MSG **ppk_msg, ID mbxid , TMO tmout )
ER ref_mbx
T_RMBX *pk_rmbx, ID mbxid )
The following functions are supported in this release (with
some restrictions) if enabled with the appropriate configuration
option for the object type (for example
ER cre_sem
ID semid, T_CSEM *pk_csem )
ER del_sem
ID semid )
ER cre_flg
ID flgid, T_CFLG *pk_cflg )
ER del_flg
ID flgid )
ER cre_mbx
ID mbxid, T_CMBX *pk_cmbx )
ER del_mbx
ID mbxid )
In general the queueing order when waiting on a synchronization
object depends on the underlying kernel configuration. The multi-level
queue scheduler is required for strict µITRON
conformance and it queues tasks in FIFO order, so requests to create
an object with priority queueing of tasks (pk_cxxx->xxxatr = TA_TPRI
are rejected with E_RSATR. Additional undefined bits in
the attributes fields must be zero.
In general, extended information (pk_cxxx->exinf) is ignored.
For semaphores, the initial semaphore count (pk_csem->isemcnt) is supported; the new semaphore's count is set. The maximum count is not supported, and is not in fact defined in type pk_csem.
For flags, multiple tasks are allowed to wait. Because single task waiting is a subset of this, the W bit (TA_WMUL) of the flag attributes is ignored; all other bits must be zero. The initial flag value is supported.
For mailboxes, the buffer count is defined statically by kernel
configuration option
therefore the buffer count field is not supported and is not in
fact defined in type pk_cmbx. Queueing of messages is FIFO
ordered only, so TA_MPRI (in pk_cmbx->mbxatr)
is not supported.
143.5.1. Error checking
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return
errors if
is enabled:
invalid object id; less than 1 or greater than
as appropriate returns E_ID - dispatching is enabled in any call which can sleep, or E_CTX
- tmout must be positive, otherwise E_PAR
pk_cxxx pointers in
must be valid pointers, or E_PAR -
return value pointer in
is valid pointer, or E_PAR - flag wait pattern must be non-zero, and mode must be valid, or E_PAR
- return value pointer in flag wait calls is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
The following conditions are checked for, and can return error
codes, regardless of the setting of
When create and delete functions
are supported, all calls which use a valid object ID number check that the object exists. If not, E_NOEXS is returned. -
In create functions
, when supported, if the object already exists, then E_OBJ -
In any call which can sleep, such as
: return codes E_TMOUT, E_RLWAI, E_DLT or of course E_OK are returned depending on the reason for terminating the sleep -
In polling functions such as
return codes E_TMOUT or E_OK are returned depending on the state of the synchronization object -
In creation functions, the attributes must be compatible
with the selected underlying kernel configuration: in
must be equal toTA_TFIFO
else E_RSATR. -
must be eitherTA_WMUL
. -
else E_RSATR.
143.6. Extended Synchronization and Communication Functions
None of these functions are supported in this release.
143.7. Interrupt management functions
These functions are fully supported in this release:
void ret_int
( void )
ER loc_cpu
( void )
ER unl_cpu
( void )
ER dis_int
UINT eintno )
ER ena_int
UINT eintno )
void ret_wup
ID tskid )
ER iwup_tsk
ID tskid )
ER isig_sem
ID semid )
ER iset_flg
ID flgid ,
UID setptn )
ER isend_msg
ID mbxid ,
T_MSG *pk_msg )
Note that ret_int()
the ret_wup()
are implemented
as macros, containing a “return” statement.
Also note that ret_wup()
the ixxx_yyy()
style functions
will only work when called from an ISR whose associated DSR is cyg_uitron_dsr()
as specified in include file <cyg/compat/uitron/uit_ifnc.h>
which defines the ixxx_yyy()
functions also.
If you are writing interrupt handlers more in the
eCos style, with separate ISR and DSR routines both of
your own devising, do not use these special functions from a DSR: use plain
style functions (with no ’i‚ prefix)
instead, and do not call any µITRON functions from the ISR at
The following functions are not supported in this release:
ER def_int
UINT dintno,
T_DINT *pk_dint )
ER chg_iXX
ER ref_iXX
UINT * p_iXXXX )
These unsupported functions are all Level C (CPU dependent). Equivalent functionality is available via other eCos-specific APIs.
143.7.1. Error checking
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return
errors if
is enabled:
: these must only be called in a µITRON task context, else E_CTX. -
: the interrupt number must be in range as specified by the platform HAL in qustion, else E_PAR.
143.8. Memory pool Management Functions
These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER get_blf
VP *p_blf, ID mpfid )
ER pget_blf
VP *p_blf, ID mpfid )
ER tget_blf
VP *p_blf, ID mpfid, TMO tmout )
ER rel_blf
ID mpfid, VP blf )
ER ref_mpf
T_RMPF *pk_rmpf, ID mpfid )
ER get_blk
VP *p_blk, ID mplid, INT blksz )
ER pget_blk
VP *p_blk, ID mplid, INT blksz )
ER tget_blk
VP *p_blk, ID mplid, INT blksz, TMO tmout )
ER rel_blk
ID mplid, VP blk )
ER ref_mpl
T_RMPL *pk_rmpl, ID mplid )
Note that of the memory provided for a particular pool to manage in the static initialization of the memory pool objects, some memory will be used to manage the pool itself. Therefore the number of blocks * the blocksize will be less than the total memory size.
The following functions are supported in this release, when
enabled with
as appropriate, with some restrictions:
ER cre_mpl
ID mplid, T_CMPL *pk_cmpl )
ER del_mpl
ID mplid )
ER cre_mpf
ID mpfid, T_CMPF *pk_cmpf )
ER del_mpf
ID mpfid )
Because of the static initialization facilities provided for
system objects, a memory pool is allocated a region of memory to
manage statically in the configuration. So while memory pools can
be created and deleted, the same area of memory is used for that
memory pool (memory pool ID number) each time. The requested variable pool
size (pk_cmpl->mplsz) or the number of fixed-size
blocks (pk_cmpf->mpfcnt) times the block size
(pk_cmpf->blfsz) are checked for fitting within
the statically allocated memory area, so if a create call succeeds,
the resulting pool will be at least as large as that requested.
For this reason del_mpl()
and del_mpf()
not in any sense free the memory that was managed by the deleted
pool for use by other pools; it may only be managed by a pool of
the same object id.
For both fixed and variable memory pools, the queueing order when waiting on a synchronization object depends on the underlying kernel configuration. The multi-level queue scheduler is required for strict µITRON conformance and it queues tasks in FIFO order, so requests to create an object with priority queueing of tasks (pk_cxxx->xxxatr = TA_TPRI) are rejected with E_RSATR. Additional undefined bits in the attributes fields must be zero.
In general, extended information (pk_cxxx->exinf) is ignored.
143.8.1. Error checking
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return
errors if
is enabled:
invalid object id; less than 1 or greater than
as appropriate returns E_ID - dispatching is enabled in any call which can sleep, or E_CTX
- tmout must be positive, otherwise E_PAR
pk_cxxx pointers in
must be valid pointers, or E_PAR -
return value pointer in
is a valid pointer, or E_PAR - return value pointers in get block routines is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
- blocksize request in get variable block routines is greater than zero, or E_PAR
The following conditions are checked for, and can return error
codes, regardless of the setting of
When create and delete functions
are supported, all calls which use a valid object ID number check that the object exists. If not, E_NOEXS is returned. -
When create functions
are supported, if the object already exists, then E_OBJ -
In any call which can sleep, such as
: return codes E_TMOUT, E_RLWAI, E_DLT or of course E_OK are returned depending on the reason for terminating the sleep -
In polling functions such as
return codes E_TMOUT or E_OK are returned depending on the state of the synchronization object -
In creation functions, the attributes must be compatible
with the selected underlying kernel configuration: in
must be equal toTA_TFIFO
else E_RSATR. -
must be equal toTA_TFIFO
else E_RSATR. -
In creation functions, the requested size of the memory
pool must not be larger than that statically configured for the
pool else E_RSATR; see the configuration option
“Option: Static initializers”.
is the field of interest -
the product ofpk_cmpf->blfsz
must be smaller than the memory statically configured for the pool else E_RSATR -
In functions which return memory to the pool
, if the free fails, for example because the memory did not come from that pool originally, then E_PAR is returned
143.9. Time Management Functions
These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER set_tim
SYSTIME *pk_tim )
![]() | Caution |
Setting the time may cause erroneous operation of the kernel, for example a task performing a wait with a time-out may never awaken. |
ER get_tim
SYSTIME *pk_tim )
ER dly_tsk
DLYTIME dlytim )
ER def_cyc
HNO cycno, T_DCYC *pk_dcyc )
ER act_cyc
HNO cycno, UINT cycact )
ER ref_cyc
T_RCYC *pk_rcyc, HNO cycno )
ER def_alm
HNO almno, T_DALM *pk_dalm )
ER ref_alm
T_RALM *pk_ralm, HNO almno )
void ret_tmr
( void )
143.9.1. Error checking
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return
errors if
is enabled:
invalid handler number; less than 1 or greater than
as appropriate, or E_PAR -
dispatching is enabled in
, or E_CTX - dlytim must be positive or zero, otherwise E_PAR
return value pointer in
is a valid pointer, or E_PAR - params within pk_dalm and pk_dcyc must be valid, or E_PAR
cycact in
must be valid, or E_PAR -
handler must be defined in
, or E_NOEXS -
parameter pointer must be a good pointer in
, otherwise E_PAR is returned
The following conditions are checked for, and can return
error codes, regardless of the setting of
: return code E_RLWAI is returned depending on the reason for terminating the sleep
143.10. System Management Functions
These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER get_ver
T_VER *pk_ver )
ER ref_sys
T_RSYS *pk_rsys )
ER ref_cfg
T_RCFG *pk_rcfg )
Note that the information returned by each of these calls may be configured to match the user's own versioning system, and the values supplied by the default configuration may be inappropriate.
These functions are not supported in this release:
ER def_svc
FN s_fncd,
T_DSVC *pk_dsvc )
ER def_exc
UINT exckind,
T_DEXC *pk_dexc )
143.10.1. Error checking
The following conditions are only checked for, and
only return errors if
is enabled:
- return value pointer in all calls is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
143.11. Network Support Functions
None of these functions are supported in this release.
143.12. µITRON Configuration FAQ
Q: How are µITRON objects created?
For each type of uITRON object (tasks, semaphores, flags, mboxes, mpf, mpl) these two quantities are controlled by configuration:
- The maximum number of this type of object.
- The number of these objects which exist initially.
This is assuming that for the relevant object type,
create and delete
operations are enabled; enabled is the default. For example, the option
controls whether the functions
exist in the API. If not, then the maximum number of
mboxes is the same as the initial number of mboxes, and so on for all
µITRON object types.
Mboxes have no initialization, so there are only a few, simple configuration options:
is the total number of mboxes that you can have in the system. By default this is 4, so you can use mboxes 1,2,3 and 4. You cannot create mboxes outside this range; trying tocre_mbx(5,…)
will return an error. -
is the number of mboxes created automatically for you, during startup. By default this is 4, so all 4 mboxes exist already, and an attempt to create one of these eg.cre_mbx(3,…)
will return an error because the mbox in quesion already exists. You can delete a pre-existing mbox, and then re-create it.
If you change
for example to 0, no mboxes
are created automatically for you during startup. Any attempt to use an
mbox without creating it will return E_NOEXS because the mbox does not
exist. You can create an mbox, say cre_mbx(3,…)
and then use it, say
, and all will be well.
Q: How are µITRON objects initialized?
Some object types have optional initialization. Semaphores are an
example. You could have
=10 and
which means you can use semaphores 1-5
straight off, but you must create semaphores 6-10 before you can use them.
If you decide not to initialize semaphores, semaphores 1-5 will have an
initial count of zero. If you decide to initialize them, you must supply
a dummy initializer for semaphores 6-10 also. For example,
in terms of the configuration output in
Semaphore 1 will have initial count 1, semaphores 2 and 3 will be zero, number 4 will be 99 initially, 5 will be one and numbers 6 though 10 do not exist initially.
Aside: this is how the definition of the symbol would appear in the
configuration header file pkgconf/uitron.h
unfortunately editing such a long, multi-line definition is somewhat
cumbersome in the GUI config tool in current releases. The macros
— to create a semaphore initializer — and
— to invoke a dummy initializer —
are provided in in the environment to help with this. Similar macros are
provided for other object types. The resulting #define symbol is used in
the context of a C++ array initializer, such as:
which is eventually macro-processed to give
Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2 cyg_uitron_SEMAS[ 10 ] = { Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2( ( 1 ) ), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2( ( 0 ) ), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2( ( 0 ) ), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2( ( 99 ) ), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2( ( 1 ) ), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2(0), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2(0), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2(0), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2(0), Cyg_Counting_Semaphore2(0), };
so you can see how it is necessary to include the dummy entries in that definition, otherwise the resulting code will not compile correctly.
If you choose
it is meaningless to initialize them, for they must be created and so
initialized then, before use.
Q: What about µITRON tasks?
Some object types require initialization. Tasks are an example of this.
You must provide a task with a priority, a function to enter when the task
starts, a name (for debugging purposes), and some memory to use for the stack.
For example (again in terms of the resulting
definitions in pkgconf/uitron.h
#define CYGNUM_UITRON_TASKS 4 // valid task ids are 1,2,3,4 #define CYGNUM_UITRON_TASKS_INITIALLY 4 // they all exist at start #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_EXTERNS \ extern "C" void startup( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void worktask( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void lowtask( unsigned int ); \ static char stack1[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack2[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack3[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack4[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ]; #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_INITIALIZERS \ CYG_UIT_TASK("main task", 8, startup, &stack1, sizeof( stack1 )), \ CYG_UIT_TASK("worker 2" , 9, worktask, &stack2, sizeof( stack2 )), \ CYG_UIT_TASK("worker 3" , 9, worktask, &stack3, sizeof( stack3 )), \ CYG_UIT_TASK("low task" ,20, lowtask, &stack4, sizeof( stack4 )), \
So this example has all four tasks statically configured to exist, ready to
run, from the start of time. The “main task” runs a routine
called startup()
at priority 8. Two
“worker” tasks run both a priority 9, and a “low
priority” task runs at priority 20 to do useful non-urgent background
Task ID | Exists at | Function | Priority | Stack | Stack number | startup | entry | | address | size --------+-----------+----------+----------+---------+---------- 1 | Yes | startup | 8 | &stack1 | CYGNUM… 2 | Yes | worktask | 9 | &stack2 | CYGNUM… 3 | Yes | worktask | 9 | &stack3 | CYGNUM… 4 | Yes | lowtask | 20 | &stack4 | CYGNUM… --------+-----------+----------+----------+---------+----------
Q: How can I create µITRON tasks in the program?
You must provide free slots in the task table in which to create new tasks, by configuring the number of tasks existing initially to be smaller than the total. For a task ID which does not initially exist, it will be told what routine to call, and what priority it is, when the task is created. But you must still set aside memory for the task to use for its stack, and give it a name during initialization. For example:
#define CYGNUM_UITRON_TASKS 4 // valid task ids are 1-4 #define CYGNUM_UITRON_TASKS_INITIALLY 1 // only task #1 exists #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_EXTERNS \ extern "C" void startup( unsigned int ); \ static char stack1[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack2[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack3[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack4[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ]; #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_INITIALIZERS \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "main", 8, startup, &stack1, sizeof( stack1 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK_NOEXS( "slave", &stack2, sizeof( stack2 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK_NOEXS( "slave2", &stack3, sizeof( stack3 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK_NOEXS( "slave3", &stack4, sizeof( stack4 ) ), \
So tasks numbered 2,3 and 4 have been given their stacks during startup,
though they do not yet exist in terms of cre_tsk()
so you can create tasks 2–4 at
Task ID | Exists at | Function | Priority | Stack | Stack number | startup | entry | | address | size --------+-----------+----------+----------+---------+---------- 1 | Yes | startup | 8 | &stack1 | CYGNUM… 2 | No | N/A | N/A | &stack2 | CYGNUM… 3 | No | N/A | N/A | &stack3 | CYGNUM… 4 | No | N/A | N/A | &stack4 | CYGNUM… --------+-----------+----------+----------+---------+----------
(you must have at least one task at startup in order that the system can actually run; this is not so for other uITRON object types)
Q: Can I have different stack sizes for µITRON tasks?
Simply set aside different amounts of memory for each task to use for its
stack. Going back to a typical default setting for the µITRON tasks,
the definitions in pkgconf/uitron.h
might look like this:
#define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_EXTERNS \ extern "C" void task1( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task2( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task3( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task4( unsigned int ); \ static char stack1[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack2[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack3[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ], \ stack4[ CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ]; #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_INITIALIZERS \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t1", 1, task1, &stack1, CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t2", 2, task2, &stack2, CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t3", 3, task3, &stack3, CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t4", 4, task4, &stack4, CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE )
Note that
is used to control the size of the stack
objects themselves, and to tell the system what size stack is being provided.
Suppose instead stack sizes of 2000, 1000, 800 and 800 were required:
this could be achieved by using the GUI config tool to edit these
options, or editting the .ecc
file to get these
results in pkgconf/uitron.h
#define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_EXTERNS \ extern "C" void task1( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task2( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task3( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task4( unsigned int ); \ static char stack1[ 2000 ], \ stack2[ 1000 ], \ stack3[ 800 ], \ stack4[ 800 ]; #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_INITIALIZERS \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t1", 1, task1, &stack1, sizeof( stack1 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t2", 2, task2, &stack2, sizeof( stack2 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t3", 3, task3, &stack3, sizeof( stack3 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t4", 4, task4, &stack4, sizeof( stack4 ) )
Note that the sizeof() operator has been used to tell the system what size
stacks are provided, rather than quoting a number (which is difficult for
maintenance) or the symbol
(which is wrong).
We recommend using (if available in your release) the stacksize symbols
provided in the architectural HAL for your target, called
So a better (more portable) version of the above might be:
#define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_EXTERNS \ extern "C" void task1( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task2( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task3( unsigned int ); \ extern "C" void task4( unsigned int ); \ static char stack1[ CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL + 1200 ], \ stack2[ CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL + 200 ], \ stack3[ CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL ], \ stack4[ CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL ]; #define CYGDAT_UITRON_TASK_INITIALIZERS \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t1", 1, task1, &stack1, sizeof( stack1 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t2", 2, task2, &stack2, sizeof( stack2 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t3", 3, task3, &stack3, sizeof( stack3 ) ), \ CYG_UIT_TASK( "t4", 4, task4, &stack4, sizeof( stack4 ) )
2025-01-10 | Open Publication License |