Chapter 10. Uninstalling

In order to uninstall eCosPro and it's components, each component must be uninstalled individually. This is done by running the uninstaller located in the base of each installation directory, or by using the native application management tool (Windows only). Uninstallation will remove the menu items, documentation and files for the respective component.

The uninstaller only removes unmodified files and directories that were unpacked during the installation process. Any files or directories that have been modified following installation, or added into the install location at any time, will remain in place following the uninstallation. The installer achieves this by tracking all the files it installed and unpacked using a hidden file located in the top-level install directory. If this file is deleted, renamed or corrupted in any way, the uninstallation may fail.


If you attempt to uninstall any eCosPro component which is still in use by another component the functionality of the dependent eCosPro component may be broken as a result.

  1. On eCosPro distributions prior to version 4.x You could uninstall the eCosPro <target> installation (e.g. eCosPro cobra5329 3.1.15) which would give you the option of uninstalling dependent eCosPro components such as Eclipse and the eCosPro GNU Tools if there are no other eCosPro target installations dependent on these components.
  2. If Eclipse is not installed, but the eCosPro CDT Eclipse plugin is installed into a third party Eclipse installation, only the documentation for the eCosPro CDT Eclipse plugin is uninstalled. The plugin can only be uninstalled using Eclipse's native plugin and software management system.

10.1. Uninstalling on Windows

All eCosPro components may be uninstalled through the standard Programs and Features mechanism illustrated in Figure 10.1, “Programs and Features on Windows 7” or the Setting mechanism, illustrated in Figure 10.2, “Programs and Features on Windows 10”.


If components are uninstalled along with an eCosPro <target> release, the Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features window may still list those components as being installed when the uninstallation has completed. A refresh <F5> of the Window will correctly update the list of installed programs.

Figure 10.1. Programs and Features on Windows 7

Programs and Features on Windows 7

Figure 10.2. Programs and Features on Windows 10

Programs and Features on Windows 10

In addition, at the top-level of each directory for each installed component is an executable which, when executed, will uninstall that particular component.

Figure 10.3. Example list of uninstallers for Windows-based OSes


10.2. Uninstalling on Linux

Due to the numerous methods employed by different Linux distributions for installing and uninstalling packages, the main method for uninstalling eCosPro is through the menu item. This executes an uninstaller created during installation. Each eCosPro component installed will also have an associated uninstaller located at the top level of each component directory, illustrated in Figure 10.4, “Linux List of Uninstallers”. Each uninstaller will uninstall individual components or releases, with primary installers giving you the option of also uninstalling the associated components (see Figure 10.5, “Uninstall eCosPro” for an example).

Figure 10.4. Linux List of Uninstallers

test@ubuntu:/tmp$ cd /opt/ecospro
test@ubuntu:/opt/ecospro$ ls */*-uninstall

Figure 10.5. Uninstall eCosPro

Uninstall eCosPro


The uninstallers will attempt to run in a graphical mode if possible. If you wish to uninstall using console mode, pass the parameters “--mode text” to the uninstaller executable.