Chapter 4. Debugging eCos applications

4.1. eCos Launch Configurations

In the normal development cycle of eCos application development, once an application executable has been built, the application must be launched on the target hardware from where it is executed and debugged. This involves the creation of an eCos launch configuration which specifies to Eclipse and the eCosPro Eclipse/CDT plug-in how the binary executable can be placed on the target hardware and executed.

  1. When developing and debugging an eCos application, you are advised to disable optimizations and to enable debug assertions as described in Disable optimizations.

  2. If you need to follow execution of a thread into the eCos kernel or any eCos/eCosPro packages or libraries, you are advised to link your application against an eCos configuration project that has been built with optimizations turned off. See Disable optimizations for further details.

  3. The eCosPro New Project Wizard enables you to set up a eCos Remote Debugging launch configuration when creating the project. The wizard offers to take connection details for your target; if they are not provided at project creation time, you will be prompted for them when you first launch your project.

The eCosPro Eclipse/CDT plugin provides two types of eCos launch configurations:

  1. eCos Remote Debugging

    The target hardware is running a bootstrap monitor such as RedBoot, or a debug monitor such as GDB stubs, which permit the remote download and debugging of the application on the target hardware through either a serial port or over a network using TCP/IP.

  2. eCos Hardware Debugging

    The target hardware is connected to a hardware debugger, such as the Ronetix PEEDI or the OpenOCD Open On-Chip Debugger.

4.1.1. Method 1 for creating eCos Launch Configurations

To create a launch configuration, right mouse click on the application project within Eclipse's project explorer, select either Debug AseCos C/C++ Application (remote) or Debug AseCos C/C++ Application (hardware), depending on whether you will use either eCos Remote Debugging or eCos Hardware Debugging respectively, as illustrated in Figure 4.1, “Creating eCos launch configurations”.

  • If no launch configurations of the corresponding type exist, the corresponding dialog illustrated in either Figure 4.5, “eCos Remote Debugging dialog” or Figure 4.6, “eCos Hardware Debugging dialog” will appear in order to allow you to create one. If the eCos Application Project contains more than one binary executable, you will also be asked to select the executable to be launched. Once created, the configuration is launched.

  • If one launch configuration of the corresponding type already exists, it will be be launched immediately.

  • If more than one launch configuration of the corresponding type already exists, you will be prompted to select a launch configuration which will be immediately launched.

Follow the corresponding instructions in either Section 4.2, “eCos Remote Debugging” or Section 4.3, “eCos Hardware Debugging” to walk-through the remainding process of debugging an example eCos application on your target.

Figure 4.1. Creating eCos launch configurations

Creating eCos launch configurations

4.1.2. Method 2 for creating eCos Launch Configurations

If within the Project Explorer window you open up the eCos Application Project and right mouse click on the application binary followed by Debug AsDebug Configurations as illustrated in Figure 4.2, “Selecting eCos launch configuration types”.

Figure 4.2. Selecting eCos launch configuration types

Selecting eCos launch configuration types

The dialog illustrated Figure 4.3, “eCos launch configurations” should appear.

Figure 4.3. eCos launch configurations

eCos launch configurations

Now either:

  1. Double click on the eCos Remote Debugging option illustrated in Figure 4.3, “eCos launch configurations”. The right-hand side of the dialog will then be populated with the eCos Remote Debugging options as illustrated in Figure 4.5, “eCos Remote Debugging dialog”; or

  2. Double click on the eCos Hardware Debugging option illustrated in Figure 4.3, “eCos launch configurations”. The right-hand side of the dialog will be populated with the eCos Hardware Debugging options as illustrated in Figure 4.6, “eCos Hardware Debugging dialog”.

Follow the instructions in either Section 4.2, “eCos Remote Debugging” or Section 4.3, “eCos Hardware Debugging”, as appropriate, to walk-through the process of debugging an example eCos application on your target.


If you do not select or have an eCos binary highlighted when you create any eCos launch configuration, you will get an error of the form illustrated in Example 4.1, “Executable Not Highlighted”. This is because the context of the Project Explorer provides the project or application for which a launch configuration is to be created and it is only possible to create eCos launch configurations for eCos applications.

Example 4.1. Executable Not Highlighted

An error has occured. See error log for more details.
Project selected is not an Ecos Application project.

4.1.3. Method 3 for creating eCos Launch Configurations

Open the eCos Application's properties dialog window by highlighting the eCos application project within the Project Explorer window of the C/C++ perspective through the menu option FileProperties (Alt+Enter) or by right-clickProperties, and select Run/Debug Settings. Existing launches, if any, will appear in the left-hand panel. To create a new launch, select New and the dialog illustrated in Figure 4.4, “Select Configuration Type” will appear.

Figure 4.4. Select Configuration Type

Select Configuration Type

Select either eCos Remote Debugging or eCos Hardware Debugging followed by OK and follow the instructions provided in the corresponding section.

4.2. eCos Remote Debugging

eCos Remote Debugging requires the use of a bootstrap debugger such as RedBoot or GDB stubs which must be installed on your hardware before you can commence eCos Remote Debugging. Please refer to the target hardware documentation accompanying your eCosPro release and indexed from within the release documentation index page for detailed instructions on how to install either RedBoot or GDB stubs on your hardware.

4.2.1. eCos Remote Debugging launch configuration

These steps follow on from the Project Creation walkthrough, showing how one might go on to use an Eclipse debug session to launch a sample Hello World application on a target running a bootstrap monitor such as RedBoot.

At this point you should see a dialog similar to that illustrated in Figure 4.5, “eCos Remote Debugging dialog” below, although the exact appearance of the dialog may differ according to how you initiated the creation of the launch configuration. For example, the left-hand panel may not be present, or the buttons Revert, Apply, Close or Debug may either not all be present or be named differently.

Figure 4.5. eCos Remote Debugging dialog

eCos Remote Debugging dialog

  • The Remote timeout field is active when checked with a non-zero integer value in the corresponding field. This field allows the developer to set the communication timeout between gdb and the target device, in place of the gdb default (normally 2 seconds). This field is useful in cases where, for example, the target device is physically remote and accessed through a where remote communication may be slow or delayed (e.g. satellite).

  • Linux users must ensure they have read/write permissions to the serial port, if the connection to the target is a serial connection. Often this may be achieved by adding the user to the dialup group, or by creating a udev rule which modifies either the default user or group ownership, or the device permissions, to enable the serial device to be accessed by the user.

  • The Speed field offers both a drop-down of common values, and may be modified to a custom value. No checks of the validity of the value are performed and the actual speed used by the host's device drivers is dependant on the speeds the host's device drivers are capable of being set to. In most cases, if an exact match is not found the closest baud rate the host's device driver is capable of is used.

  • If main() is not the entry point for your own application, it is best to disable that option. If no user- supplied main() is provided, a default eCos one will be used, which will cause your application to be stopped by a breakpoint when it runs, even though that will have no significance to your application. If you are not using main(), consider removing the CYGPKG_LIBC_STARTUP package from your eCos configuration.

  1. Choose an appropriate name if the default name is not suitable, select the Debugger tab and choose the connection type, modifying the settings as appropriate in order to access the target hardware. For example:

    • If you are connecting via ethernet to RedBoot on the target:

      Select TCP for the Type and specify the IP address or host name and Port number of RedBoot. The default Port number of RedBoot is 9000.

    • If you are connecting via serial to RedBoot or GDB stubs on the target:

      Select Serial for the Type and specify the Device and Speed (baud rate) used by RedBoot or GDB stubs. For Windows hosts, the device may be COMn, while for Linux platforms this should be the full path of your serial device (e.g. /dev/ttyUSBn).

  2. Press Apply to save the configuration followed by either Debug or OK.

  3. If you came to this dialog through the Run/Debug Settings option of the properties dialog for the eCos application project as described in Section 4.1.3, “Method 3 for creating eCos Launch Configurations”, you will need to use one of the other methods described in Section 4.1.1, “Method 1 for creating eCos Launch Configurations” or Section 4.1.2, “Method 2 for creating eCos Launch Configurations” or to deploy the launch configuration as described in those sections.

  4. Continue the debug walkthrough as described in Section 4.4, “Running and Debugging the application”.


Launching an eCos Remote Debugging session to a remote target, particularly when connected over a serial line, can be prone to spurious errors. Be sure to use a suitable Remote timeout and allow for sufficiently long time between resetting your target board, allowing debug monitors such as RedBoot to bootstrap the target fully, and starting a debug session from Eclipse.

4.3. eCos Hardware Debugging

To interactively debug an application built to execute from flash memory, or from RAM without a bootstrap monitor such as RedBoot or GDB stubs, you must normally use a hardware debugger such as OpenOCD or the Ronetix PEEDI (PEEDI). Most hardware debuggers present a GDB protocol interface and so may be used in the same way as RedBoot or GDB stubs on a target board.

4.3.1. eCos Hardware Debugging differences

The main differences between eCos Remote Debugging and eCos Hardware Debugging are:

  • Hardware debuggers generally do not provide thread-level debugging information or require their own custom configuration to determine operating system specific thread information. Unless your hardware debugger is suitably configured, you will not be able to browse the list of active threads - your application will appear to consist of a single thread no matter how many it has and you cannot make a breakpoint thread-specific.

  • Console output and output to the /dev/haldiag or /dev/ttydiag devices may be configured within an eCos configuration to be displayed in the Eclipse console, regardless whether the target hardware has any external I/O capability. This is a very useful facility and may be used by all targets running eCosPro applications which are launched using the eCos Hardware Debugging launcher. An example of how to create such an eCos configuration is described in Section 4.3.2, “eCos Configuration for eCos Hardware Debugging”.


    This form of output requires the use of an additional breakpoint which may not always be available. If no additional breakpoints are available, developers will be restricted to using the target's external devices (if any).

    Should the target hardware have an external device to which output to the /dev/haldiag or /dev/ttydiag devices is sent, for example an RS232 serial device, this output may be captured and displayed in the Eclipse console. To acheive this, set the Console connection value within the Debugger tab to either Serial (configuring the host's serial port and speed as appropriate) or TCP (configuring the host name and TCP port number as appropriate) to read diagnostics output from either source. Leave the setting as GDB should eCos diagnostic output be configured to come through GDB.


    These configuration options are only available through eCosPro enhancements, the eCosPro CDT plug-in and eCosPro GNU Toolchains.

  • Applications executing from flash memory cannot use ordinary (“soft”) breakpoints; they can only use hardware breakpoints.

  • Hardware breakpoints are set in essentially the same way as soft breakpoints, that is by right-clicking in the ruler of a source code window. To set a hardware breakpoint, first select C/C++ Hardware Breakpoints from the Breakpoint Type submenu, then select Toggle Breakpoint as before.


    Most targets are limited in the number of hardware breakpoints they support, and such limits are not automatically reported to gdb or to Eclipse. If you attempt set too many, your debug session is likely to become confused. If you know the limit for your target, you can provide a limit in a GDB command file (see Section 4.8, “GDB command files”) with the command shown in Example 4.2, “Set Hardware Breakpoint Limit”.

    Example 4.2. Set Hardware Breakpoint Limit

    set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit N


    If you run out of hardware breakpoints unexpectedly, look for and disable the option to Automatically stop on main at startup in the debugger config panel.

  • Some hardware debuggers provide settings in their configuration files which allow developers to map requests for software breakpoints into hardware breakpoints. If you have trouble setting the type of breakpoint you expected, be sure to also check the settings in the hardware debugger's configuration file. For example, with the Ronetix PEEDI, it is configured with the CORE0_BREAKMODE directive which may be set to either soft or hard.

  • Some hardware debuggers, like OpenOCD, may require that you reset and halt the target before downloading the executable to the target. Most recent eCosPro releases are provided with OpenOCD configuration files that result in OpenOCD performing these operations immediately on accepting a remote connection from GDB. However, if you are using a different hardware debugger and either your hardware debugger or your target require these operations, you must configure these options in the eCos Hardware Debugging launch configuration.

4.3.2. eCos Configuration for eCos Hardware Debugging

Continuing the steps of Chapter 3, Quick Start / Walkthrough, this section describes how to modify the eCos configuration such that output or diagnostics from the application being developed are directed to the Eclipse console through GDB.

The latter is a feature unique to eCosPro and eCosCentric-provided GNU toolchains which will work across all hardware debuggers, halting the hardware temporarily only when output occurs for the duration the output can be extracted from the target by GDB. Less intrustive methods, such as utilising the instrumentation trace macrocell (ITM) provided by certain ARM architectures, are also available. See Section 4.6, “Using ARM's Instrumentation Trace Macrocell for output” for an example.

  1. If you have open the Debug Configurations dialog illustrated in Figure 4.2, “Selecting eCos launch configuration types”, select Close to close the dialog and return to the C/C++ project explorer perspective ( WindowPerspectiveOpen PerspectiveOther...C/C++OK or through the C/C++ perspective button illustrated by the speach bubble in Figure 3.13, “Build Progress”).

  2. Open up the eCos configuration project associated with the application you wish to debug within the C/C++ project explorer and look for the active eCos configuration file. This will have an .ecc extension and will normally be called ecos.ecc. Open this file for editing with the eCos configuration tool either by double clicking on this file, or by selecting the file and pressing F3, or by right-clicking the file and selecting Open.

  3. If you have not already turned off compiler optimizations, do that now. See Disable optimizations for further details.

  4. Find the CYG_HAL_STARTUP macro using the search dialog (see Disable optimizations for an example) and modify the startup type to one that is suitable for your target and hardware debugger (for example, JTAG), within the configuration tree accepting the changes by pressing Return. Accept any conflict resultions which the eCos configuration tool may present to you.


    Your target may contain strict rules that inhibit the CYGFUN_HAL_DIAG_VIA_GDB_FILEIO macro from being enabled (see next step) unless startup type with an association to GDB is chosen.

  5. Find the CYGFUN_HAL_DIAG_VIA_GDB_FILEIO macro using the search dialog and enable it within the configuration tree. This will likely result in a conflict which, when resolved, will cause the CYGFUN_HAL_GDB_FILEIO to be enabled. This is the correct resolution and expected behaviour. On some target platforms (for example the CortexM®) there may be additional hardware-specific resolutions (for example, CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_DIAGNOSTICS_INTERFACE is set to gdb_hwdebug). Accept any conflict resultions which the eCos configuration tool may present to you.

  6. Save your configuration, FileSave (Ctrl+S), and exit the configuration tool, FileExit (Alt+X).

  7. Your eCos configuration project will automatically be rebuilt if eCos configuration builds have not been inhibited for the project ( eCosInhibit configuration build disabled) as well as your application project if automatic builds have been enabled ( ProjectBuild Automatically enabled). Ensure both eCos and your application project are rebuilt if either of the above settings are not as indicated.

  8. Create the eCos Hardware Debugging launch configuration as described in Section 4.3.3, “eCos Hardware Debugging launch configuration”.

4.3.3. eCos Hardware Debugging launch configuration

The following steps continue on from Chapter 3, Quick Start / Walkthrough and Section 4.3.2, “eCos Configuration for eCos Hardware Debugging” to launch a sample Hello World application on a target using a hardware debugger. eCos Hardware Debugging using OpenOCD

In this example we show you how to use OpenOCD to debug your application, but most of this walkthrough can be applied to other hardware debuggers as well. See Section 4.7, “eCos Hardware Debugging using the Ronetix PEEDI” for an example of how to use the Ronetix PEEDI.

  1. Right mouse click on the application binary within Eclipse's project explorer, or select Debug As followed by Debug Configurations as illustrated in Figure 4.2, “Selecting eCos launch configuration types”, to return to the the dialog window illustrated in Figure 4.3, “eCos launch configurations” and described in the beginning of this chapter.

  2. Once the “Debug Configurations” dialog illustrated has been opened, double click on the eCos Hardware Debugging option illustrated in Figure 4.3, “eCos launch configurations”. The right-hand side of the dialog will be populated with the eCos Hardware Debugging options as illustrated in Figure 4.6, “eCos Hardware Debugging dialog”. Choose an appropriate name if the default name is not suitable.

  3. Choose OpenOCD as your JTAG Device and ensure that Use remote target is checked and that the GDB Connection String is set as illustrated in Example 4.3, “GDB Connection to OpenOCD pipe”.

    Example 4.3. GDB Connection to OpenOCD pipe

    | openocd -f ${eCosInstallDir}/etc/${openocd_config_filename} -c "gdb_port pipe"

    If you are using a different hardware debugger, select the Debugger tab and choose the connection type, modifying the settings as appropriate in order to access the target hardware.

    Figure 4.6. eCos Hardware Debugging dialog

    eCos Hardware Debugging dialog

    1. Modern eCosPro distributions have a build system that places usable or example hardware debugger configuration files in the etc subdirectory of the eCos installation tree during the build process of the eCos library, or after creating an eCos build tree and executing the command make etc. These files are specific to a target, eCosPro configuration and hardware debugger and use common names, permitting pre-defined pipe commands to be used as may be seen in the OpenOCD example above.

    2. The default pre-defined pipe command for OpenOCD uses the ${eCosInstallDir} and the ${openocd_config_filename} Eclipse macros to select the appropriate configuration file for the target to provide portabilty and flexibility of the launch configuration.

    3. The Remote timeout field is active when checked with a non-zero integer value in the corresponding field and has been set by default with a value suitable for starting up OpenOCD on slower/older PCs. The gdb default remote timeout of 2 seconds can be insufficient in some circumstances.

  4. Should the eCos Configuration direct the eCos devices /dev/haldiag or /dev/ttydiag to external devices available on the target hardware, for example an RS232 serial device, to view this output within the Eclipse console set the Console Connection value within the Debugger tab to either Serial (configuring the host's serial port and speed as appropriate) or TCP (configuring the host name and TCP port number as appropriate). Leave the setting as GDB should eCos diagnostic output be configured to come through GDB.

    The default destination of the output depends on the hardware and specific platform port, as well as the default settings of the eCosPro configuration, but in many cases it will come from an RS232 serial device or ITM port (if available, in which case it may be read from a TCP port through OpenOCD).

  5. Select Apply to save your launch profile followed by Debug and continue the debug walkthrough as described in Section 4.4, “Running and Debugging the application”.

4.4. Running and Debugging the application

  1. When launching a debug session for the first time, you will be prompted whether you wish to switch to the debug perspective as illustrated below in Figure 4.7, “Confirm Perspective Switch dialog”.

    Figure 4.7. Confirm Perspective Switch dialog

    Confirm Perspective Switch dialog

    Optionally check Remember my decision if you wish to switch to the Debug Perspective each time you launch a debug session.

    Select Yes to continue to have Eclipse open the Debug perspective illustrated in Figure 4.8, “Debug Download Execution”.

    Figure 4.8. Debug Download Execution

    Debug Download Execution

    You may not see the exact contents of the previous figure until the download of your application has completed and execution started.

  2. If the debug perspective is not opened due to some previous preference selection, open it now. You may open or return to the debug perspective at any time by selecting the Bug button called out by the speach bubble in Figure 4.8, “Debug Download Execution”, or through the following menu selections: WindowPerspectiveOpen PerspectiveOther...DebugOK. These menu options may vary slightly if the debug perspective has previously been selected. For example: WindowPerspectiveOpen PerspectiveDebugOK.

  3. When a debug session is launched, the debug launcher will download the binary application to the target and commence execution, stopping at main() if you left that option enabled (or an alternative function such as cyg_user_start() if you changed the default function name within the launch configuration). Within the Debug perspective you may view the more detailed Progress tab by double-clicking on the Progress bar circled in red in Figure 4.9, “Debug Download Progress”.

    Figure 4.9. Debug Download Progress

    Debug Download Progress

  4. If you stopped at main(), press the Resume toolbar button as illustrated by the mouse cursor in Figure 4.8, “Debug Download Execution”. Execution continues; on most hardware targets the output, your Hello eCos World message, is sent over the board's debug channel and is reported in the Console view illustrated in Figure 4.8, “Debug Download Execution”. The remaining buttons, highlighted by the speech buttons are as follows:

    1. Pause current execution.

    2. Stop the current execution.

    3. Disconnect from the remote target.

    4. Step into the function, if any, otherwise execute the current instuction.

    5. Step over the function, if any, otherwise execute the current instuction.

    6. Return from the current function call.

  5. For debugging your own application, you may set breakpoints and perform other debugger oprtations before resuming or stepping through your application. While your application is running, you may also pause the application to inspect variables, threads, the call stacks, memory and so on, or simply halt your debug session.


    Pausing your application through eCos Remote Debugging launch configurations is only possible when the debug monitor (such as RedBoot) is active. For example, when your application performs an output operation such a printf() through the debug monitor using a gdb debug channel.

4.5. Console Diagnostics Output

The Debug perspective includes the Console tab window, seen also within the C/C++ perspective, in which a number of different consoles may be viewed including:

  • GDB output ([eCos Remote Debugging] xxx-gdb or [eCos Hardware Debugging] xxx-gdb - any output produced by the underlying xxx-gdb command)

  • GDB traces ([eCos Remote Debugging] gdb traces or [eCos Hardware Debugging] gdb traces)

  • Application debug output (Output via zzz)

By default, the GDB output is displayed by the Debug perspective in the Console tab. This will include information such as the breakpoint information, tracepoints and so on. The eCosPro CDT plug-in provides a diagnostics console in which diagnostics output or output from the application running on the target will appear. You may choose the output which appears in the Console tab by pressing the Display Selected Console button highlighted by the “A” callout box and choosing the desired console from the dropdown menu illustrated in Figure 4.10, “Console Diagnostics Output”.

Figure 4.10. Console Diagnostics Output

Console Diagnostics Output

When the application produces any diagnostic output, the Console tab window will switch to the Application debug output from the GDB output, and similarly it will revert to displaying the GDB output when the underlying xxx- gdb command produces any information of it's own (for example, when a breakpoint is hit). The Console tab window may also be pinned to a selected console by first choosing the console using the Display Selected Console button highlighted by the “A” callout box, choosing the desired console in the resulting menu dropdown, and selecting the Pin Console button highlighted by the “B” callout box illustrated in Figure 4.10, “Console Diagnostics Output”.

The diagnostic output is normally routed through GDB and either (i) RedBoot or GDB stubs; or (ii) from an external source such as a serial device, ITM port or TCP/IP socket. The source of the diagnostic output from the target application is defined by the eCos configuration and configured within the eCos Hardware Debugging launcher for Eclipse. An example of this is described in Section 4.6, “Using ARM's Instrumentation Trace Macrocell for output”.

4.6. Using ARM's Instrumentation Trace Macrocell for output

This section provides an example how to create an eCosPro configuration that will direct diagnostic output through ARM's Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) on a Cortex-M target to OpenOCD running on the development host from where it may be picked up and displayed on the Eclipse console.

This facility is particularly useful where you may have timing-dependant operations or devices on your target hardware that need servicing and cannot afford the latency overhead required to provide diagnostics output through GDB, Eclipse or other third-party plug-ins. Diagnostic output is directed to an ITM channel from where it may be decoded on a host and presented to the developer within an Eclipse console.


When large amounts of diagnostic data are produced, certain host or hardware debuggers may not be able to capture, or keep up with the display of, all the diagnostics information due to their slower speeds. In such circumstances the loss may range from a few characters through to large chunks of data.

4.6.1. Configuring eCosPro for ITM output

  1. Within Eclipse, open the configuration project and select the active configuration file (.ecc extension) for editing using the eCos Configuration Tool by double-clicking on the filename.

  2. Within the eCos Configuration Tool, from the default configuration for your target, open the Find in configuration dialog: EditFind (Ctrl+F)

  3. Within the Find in configuration dialog, type CYGHWR_HAL_CORTEXM_DIAGNOSTICS_INTERFACE into the Find what: field, ensure Search in: is set to Macro Names and select Find Next.

  4. That should take you to the option Interface to use for HAL diagnostics. Within the drop-down to the right, select ITM followed by Return.

  5. Set the CYG_HAL_STARTUP startup type to JTAG as illustrated in Section 4.3.2, “eCos Configuration for eCos Hardware Debugging”.

  6. Save the configuration, FileSave (Ctrl+S), clean the project BuildClean, build the library BuildLibrary (F7), open two terminal (shell) windows ToolsShell... (and again ToolsShell...), and exit the configuration tool, FileExit (Alt+X).

    These operations build a new eCos library, but also open new shell terminals from which OpenOCD may be launched to accept GDB connections, and also a parseitm session that will allow the ITM diagnostics output to be read by Eclipse/CDT from a TCP port.

4.6.2. Using OpenOCD to capture eCosPro ITM output

OpenOCD configuration files provided by eCosCentric will have been preconfigured to capture ITM output to the default file tpui.out, so little is required of the developer in this regard. eCosCentric host tools also include an application, parseitm, which is used to extract from the tpui.out file the diagnostics output generated by a running eCos application, and pass this onto the standard output stream.

In this mode of development OpenOCD is run as a GDB Server on the devlopment host, providing a port for Eclipse, through GDB, to connect to so it can download, execute and allow debugging of the application on the target hardware. parseitm is used to extract the diagnostics output to a TCP stream which is read by Eclipse

  1. Within the first terminal shell window opened, run the command illustrated in Example 4.4, “Running OpenOCD”. You may change ecos_install to be either ${ECOS_INSTALL_DIR} (bash) or %ECOS_INSTALL_DIR% (Windows cmd) and the port number 9001 in accordance with your own system and requirements.

    Example 4.4. Running OpenOCD

    % openocd -f ecos_install/etc/openocd.cfg -c "gdb_port 9001"
    Open On-Chip Debugger 0.9.0 (2016-06-27-01:12)
    Licensed under GNU GPL v2
    For bug reports, read
    Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
    adapter speed: 2000 kHz
    adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
    none separate
    srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
    Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
    Info : Unable to match requested speed 2000 kHz, using 1800 kHz
    Info : clock speed 1800 kHz
    Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v23 API v2 SWIM v0 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
    Info : using stlink api v2
    Info : Target voltage: 2.892416
    Info : stm32f4x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints

  2. Within the second terminal shell window opened, run the command illustrated in Example 4.5, “Running parseitm”. You may change tpui.out and the server port number 9002 in accordance with your own system configuration and requirements.

    Example 4.5. Running parseitm

    % parseitm -p 31 -f tpiu.out -s 9002
    parseitm daemon started, listening on port 9002, pid=8204.

    Example 4.6. Terminating a parseitm daemon

    % telnet localhost 9002
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    1. The above examples illustrates usage on a Linux system. parseitm will not run as a daemon or service on Windows.

    2. To terminate a parseitm daemon, telnet to the parseitm port and type the command shutdown as illustrated in Example 4.6, “Terminating a parseitm daemon”. On Windows, you can also use the keypress Ctrl+C within the terminal shell window.

4.6.3. Configuring eCosPro CDT plug-in for ITM output

  1. Return to the Debugger tab of the dialog illustrated in Figure 4.6, “eCos Hardware Debugging dialog” as described in Section 4.3.3, “eCos Hardware Debugging launch configuration”.

  2. Within the Remote Target section illustrated in Figure 4.11, “Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port”,

    • Check Use remote target, if it is not already selected

    • Select Generic TCP/IP within the JTAG Device: dropdown.

    • Enter localhost into the Host name or IP address: field.

    • Enter 9001 into the Port number: field.

  3. Within the Console Output section illustrated in Figure 4.11, “Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port”,

    • Select TCP within the Console connection: dropdown.

    • Enter localhost into the Host name or IP address: field.

    • Enter 9002 into the Port number: field.

  4. Within the Console Output section illustrated in Figure 4.11, “Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port”,

    • Select TCP within the Console connection: dropdown.

    • Enter localhost into the Host name or IP address: field.

    • Enter 9002 into the Port number: field.

  5. Select the Apply to save the changes followed by Debug to begin a debug session. Refer to Section 4.4, “Running and Debugging the application” for more information on running and debugging the application.

Figure 4.11. Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port

Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port

4.7. eCos Hardware Debugging using the Ronetix PEEDI

To use a Ronetix PEEDI hardware debugger to debug your eCos Application Project select PEEDI as the JTAG Device and the right-hand panel of the eCos Hardware Debugging launch configuration will change to allow you to enter the Host name or IP address and the Port number (the GDB port number) of the PEEDI as illustrated in Figure 4.12, “PEEDI Hardware Debugging launch configuration”.

You may also specify the source of debug or informational messages which are to appear in the Console Output through the Console connection option. See Section 4.3.2, “eCos Configuration for eCos Hardware Debugging” for additional information on configuring eCosPro to provide these messages through the GDB connection of the PEEDI.

Figure 4.12. PEEDI Hardware Debugging launch configuration

PEEDI Hardware Debugging launch configuration

Once your PEEDI has been appropriately configured and initialised to debug your target hardware (see Section 4.7.2, “Configuration and Initialization”) select Apply to save your launch profile followed by Debug to debug your application, or return to the debug walkthrough as described in Section 4.4, “Running and Debugging the application”.

4.7.1. Licenses and Configuration files

The Ronetix PEEDI must of course be appropriately licensed and configured to debug your target hardware. If the Ronetix PEEDI is supported within the eCosPro distribution and you have not already configured your PEEDI, an example PEEDI configuration file is placed in the ${eCosInstallDir}/etc sub-directory by the eCosPro build system. This is similar to the method used for accessing example OpenOCD configuration files in Section, “eCos Hardware Debugging using OpenOCD”.

PEEDI configuration files include a [LICENSE] section in which the license keys for the PEEDI and the target hardware are specified. As the licenses may also be located in a separate license file, the generic PEEDI configuration file provided within recent eCosPro distributions assumes that the license keys for the PEEDI are located in the file licenses.txt located within the PEEDI's EEPROM. The [LICENSE] section of the configuration file therefore contains:

Example 4.7. PEEDI configuration file including “licenses.txt” file

FILE = eep://licenses.txt

In this case the file licenses.txt on the EEPROM should contain something of the form:

Example 4.8. PEEDI “licenses.txt” file

KEY = ARM7_ARM9, 1111-2222-3333-4
KEY = UPDATE_29AUG2006, 5555-6666-7777-8

Please refer to your PEEDI documentation if you need instructions on how to create a licenses.txt file and store this on the PEEDI's EEPROM. Alternatively you may also create your own configuration file where the [LICENSE] section contains the relenvant license keys, using the configuration file provided within the eCosPro distribution as a template, and use the dialog below to specify the location of the new license file for storage into the PEEDI's EEPROM.

4.7.2. Configuration and Initialization

This remainder of section describes how this configuration file can be transferred to the PEEDI using the eCosPro CDT plug-in where it is stored and used by the PEEDI for sebsequent debug sessions. This operation only needs to be performed once when the PEEDI needs to be reconfigured to debug your hardware.

Press the additional button Initialize PEEDI circled in red in Figure 4.12, “PEEDI Hardware Debugging launch configuration”. This will result in a new dialog, illustrated in Figure 4.13, “Hardware Debugger Device Initialization”, appearing. This will allow you to set up your PEEDI Hardware debugger with the above-mentioned configuration file in a simple manner.

Figure 4.13. Hardware Debugger Device Initialization

Hardware Debugger Device Initialization

Modify the settings as required and press the Configure Device button when you are ready to configure your PEEDI. The following macros are available to you as an aid to simplify your settings and allow them to transfer easily to other devices:


See ${eCosInstallDir} in Chapter 2, eCosPro CDT plug-in Macros.


This defaults to the DNS hostname of the host on which Eclipse is currently running and is the value of the field Eclipse hostname within the dialog.


This defaults to 8000 and is the value of the field HTTP Server Port within the dialog.


This currently expands as “peedi.cfg” by current eCosPro distributions which place a PEEDI configuration file of the same name into the ${eCosInstallDir}/etc sub-directory. As the name may change depending on the configuration in future eCosPro distributions, use of the macro to name the file is recommended.

Pressing the Configure Device button within the resulting dialog will result in the eCosPro CDT plug-in to:

  1. run a mini HTTP server that serves only the PEEDI configuration file specified; and

  2. telnet to RedBoot on the PEEDI device; and

  3. run a predefined set of commands that will download from the HTTP server the configuration file, store it into EEPROM and configure the PEEDI to use this configuration file.

The Configuration options of the dialog, with their default values, are as follows:

Device hostname

This is the host name of the PEEDI device. By default it is peedi.

Device port

This is the TCP port number of RedBoot on the PEEDI device. By default it is 23.

Configuration file

This is the full pathname to physical location of the PEEDI configuration file that is to be served by the eCosPro CDT plug-in's mini HTTP server as /config_file. By default it is ${eCosInstallDir}/etc/${peedi_config_filename}, although you may also alter the field to point to your own PEEDI configuration file on your local filesystem.

Eclipse hostname

This is the host name of the development host running Eclipse and the eCosPro CDT plug-in mini HTTP server from which the PEEDI configuration file may be fetched. By default it is the name of your host, although the PEEDI configuration file may be located on any host which is reachable by the PEEDI hardware debugger. The eCosPro CDT plug-in macro ${eclipse_hostname} will be set to this value so that it can be used in the Initialization commands below.

HTTP Server Port

This is the port number on which the eCosPro CDT plug-in's mini HTTP server is to provide it's service. By default it is 8000. The eCosPro CDT plug-in macro ${http_port} will be set to this value so that it can be used in the Initialization commands below.

Initialization commands

These are the set of commands, one per line, that are to be sent to Device hostname:Device port to initialise the PEEDI hardware debugger. The default is illustrated in Example 4.9, “PEEDI Initialization Commands”.

Example 4.9. PEEDI Initialization Commands

transfer http://${eclipse_hostname}:${http_port}/config_file eep:config
config eep:config

The resulting conversation between the PEEDI and the eCosPro CDT plug-in during the initialization session when Configure Device is pressed may be viewed within the Initialization Session Output section.


You may need to permit incoming connections to the ${http_port} TCP port of the Eclipse host within your firewall or anti-virus configuration, and on Windows hosts you may also need to grant Eclipse permission to listen for incoming connections on that port.

  1. This dialog may also be configured to do a variety of operations to initialize the PEEDI, including downloading the configuration file from a different host using an alternative protocol supported by the PEEDI.

  2. Each line within Initialization commands is transmitted after the character “>” is seen.

4.8. GDB command files

If necessary, it is possible to override the normal launch behaviour by providing macros in a “GDB command file”, traditionally named .gdbinit and located in the same subdirectory as the executable. The path to the file is specified on the Main sub-tab of the Debugger panel of the eCos Remote debugging configuration dialog, as illustrated in Figure 4.14, “Specify GDB command file”, and in the GDB Setup section of the Debugger panel of the eCos Hardware debugging configuration dialog, as illustrated in Figure 4.11, “Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port”.

Figure 4.14. Specify GDB command file

Specify GDB command file

The following macros will, if present, be invoked during launch:


This macro is invoked before connection to the target hardware is attempted. Within the macro, $arg0 can be used to refer to the ELF executable file which is to be debugged and $arg1 will provide the connection parameters. (The connection parameters are in the correct format for the commands “file $arg0” and “target remote $arg1”.) For eCos Hardware Debugging, an additional $arg2 argument is provided that is set to the JTAG Device type as illustrated in Figure 4.11, “Hardware Launcher - ITM output via TCP/IP port” (for example, “Generic TCP/IP”, “OpenOCD”, “PEEDI” and so on). This allows the developer to create GDB command files that cater for a variety of devices.


This macro is invoked by CDT following connection to the target and before code download.


This macro is invoked by CDT to download code to the target hardware.


If the doload macro is present, the internal commands which would normally download the code onto the target are suppressed.


This macro is invoked by CDT immediately following code download to the target hardware.

An example gdb command file (“gdbinit”) that power-cycles a target that is to be debugged into a reset state before attempting to attach to the target is given in Example 4.10, “GDB Command File to reset hardware”.

Example 4.10. GDB Command File to reset hardware

define setup
shell relay open target
shell sleep 2
shell relay close target
shell sleep 4

The above script runs the command relay on the host running Eclipse to open and close a relay switch controlling the power to the target. It opens the relay with the name target, effectively powering off the target, sleeps 2 seconds to allow on-board capacitors to fully discharge, closes the relay to power on the target and finally sleeps for 4 seconds to allow sufficient time for the target to bootstrap into a debug monitor and move to a state that will accept remote debug connections to be made either via a serial connections or via a network connection.


Earlier version of Eclipse and eCosPro required a preload macro when debugging using a hardware debugger to reset and halt the target before downloading the application to the hardware. This is no longer the case for current versions of Eclipse and eCosPro. The majority of eCosCentric provided hardware debugger configuration files now will ensure the target is placed in a suitable state by the hardware debugger before or on accepting a remote debug connection from gdb, thereby allowing the application binary to be downloaded or programmed into the target by gdb's load command.

  1. GDB is launched with the -nx parameter which prohibits it from processing all .gdbinit files. If you need to include a .gdbinit file, source them from within your GDB command file.

  2. While the setup, preload, doload and postload macros may be defined within other command files which are source'd from within this command file, either directly or indirectly, they will not be executed by the eCosPro CDT plug-in unless they are defined first within the GDB command file.


    If you require these macros are defined elsewhere, create empty macros in the GDB command file and source the additional files after defining them. All previous user-supplied definitions will be overwritten by subsequent definitions.

  3. Once defined in the GDB command file, do not undefine them (“macro undef macro”). Create an empty macro instead (“macro define macro”).