
Setup — Preparing the Zoom board for eCos Development


In a typical development environment, the Zoom board boots from the SPI NOR and runs the RedBoot ROM monitor from SDRAM. eCos applications are configured for RAM startup and then downloaded and run on the board via the debugger arm-eabi-gdb. Preparing the board therefore usually involves programming a suitable RedBoot image into flash memory.

The following RedBoot configurations are supported:

ROMRedBoot loaded from SPI NOR flash to SDRAMredboot_ROM.ecmredboot_ROM.bin

For serial communications, all versions run with 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit at 115200 baud. RedBoot also supports ethernet communication and flash management.

Note that the use of the term ROM for the initial RedBoot configuration is a historical accident. RedBoot actually runs from SDRAM after being loaded there from NOR flash by the User Boot Loader. The use of ROM for this configuration is intended to indicate that it initializes the microprocessor and board peripherals, as opposed to the RAM configuration which assumes that this has already been done.

Initial Installation

The Zoom board comes with U-Boot installed by default. The booting mechanism is that the on-chip firmware loads a small User Boot Loader from the start of NOR flash which then loads U-Boot from later in the flash. Our strategy is to leave the User Boot Loader in place and replace U-Boot with RedBoot.

To write RedBoot to the SPI NOR flash, there are two possibilities: either run a RAM-resident RedBoot using a JTAG emulator and use that to program RedBoot into the SPI NOR flash; or use a Serial Boot and Flash Utility for OMAP-L138.

The following section describes this process using the Ronetix PEEDI; other JTAG emulators will have similar steps.

Programming RedBoot into NOR flash using the PEEDI

The following gives the steps needed to program RedBoot into the SPI NOR Flash using the PEEDI. The basic process is to load and run a copy of RedBoot, then use that to initialize the flash, download a new copy of RedBoot and write that to the flash.

  1. Set up the PEEDI as described in the Ronetix documentation. The peedi.zoom.cfg file should be used to setup and configure the hardware.
  2. Connect a null-modem serial cable between the serial port of the board and a serial port on a convenient host. Run a terminal emulator (Hyperterm or minicom) at 115200 baud.
  3. Copy redboot_ROM.srec to to a TFTP server that the PEEDI can access. Copy redboot_ROM.img to the machine running the terminal emulator.
  4. Connect a telnet session to the PEEDI and issue the following command, substituting your own TFTP server address:

           zoom>> mem load tftp:// srec
           ++ info: Loading image file:  tftp://
           ++ info: At absolute address: 0xC0008000
           loading at 0xC0008000
           loading at 0xC000C000
           loading at 0xC0010000
           loading at 0xC0014000
           loading at 0xC0018000
           loading at 0xC001C000
           Successfully loaded 88KB (90336 bytes) in 20.4s
  5. Now issue the go command:

           zoom> go 0xC0008000

    You should see the following output on the Zoom board serial line:

    +M25PXX : Init device with JEDEC ID 0x202017.
    **Warning** FLASH configuration checksum error or invalid key
    Use 'fconfig -i' to [re]initialize database
    RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROM]
    Non-certified release, version UNKNOWN - built 10:27:53, Jan 26 2010
    Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 eCosCentric Limited
    RedBoot is free software, covered by the eCos license, derived from the
    GNU General Public License. You are welcome to change it and/or distribute
    copies of it under certain conditions. Under the license terms, RedBoot's
    source code and full license terms must have been made available to you.
    Redboot comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    Platform: Logic Zoom OMAP L138 eXperimenter (ARM9)
    RAM: 0xc0000000-0xc4000000 [0xc0022128-0xc3fed000 available]
    FLASH: 0x70000000-0x707fffff, 128 x 0x10000 blocks
  6. Run the following command to initialize RedBoot's flash file system and flash configuration:

    RedBoot> fis init
    About to initialize [format] FLASH image system - continue (y/n)? y
    *** Initialize FLASH Image System
    ... Erase from 0x707f0000-0x707fffff: .
    ... Program from 0xc3ff0000-0xc4000000 to 0x707f0000: .
    RedBoot> fconfig -i
    Initialize non-volatile configuration - continue (y/n)? y
    Run script at boot: false
    Console baud rate: 115200
    Update RedBoot non-volatile configuration - continue (y/n)? y
    ... Erase from 0x707e0000-0x707e0fff: .
    ... Program from 0xc3fef000-0xc3ff0000 to 0x707e0000: .
  7. We now need to download a copy of RedBoot and program it into the flash. Give the following command to RedBoot:

           RedBoot> load -r -m y -b %{freememlo}

    From the terminal emulator upload the redboot_ROM.img file using Y-Modem protocol. When the upload is complete you should see something similar to the following output.

    RedBoot> load -r -m y -b %{freememlo}
    CRaw file loaded 0xc0022400-0xc00384ef, assumed entry at 0xc0022400
    xyzModem - CRC mode, 708(SOH)/0(STX)/0(CAN) packets, 4 retries
  8. Now program the RedBoot image to flash:

    RedBoot> fis cre RedBoot
    An image named 'RedBoot' exists - continue (y/n)? y
    ... Erase from 0x70010000-0x7002ffff: ..
    ... Program from 0xc0022400-0xc00384f0 to 0x70010000: ..
    ... Erase from 0x707f0000-0x707fffff: .
    ... Program from 0xc3ff0000-0xc4000000 to 0x707f0000: .

The RedBoot installation is now complete. This can be tested by issuing the reset run command to the PEEDI, or by detaching the PEEDI and power cycling the board. Output similar to the following should be seen on the serial port.

+M25PXX : Init device with JEDEC ID 0x202017.
RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROM]
Non-certified release, version UNKNOWN - built 10:27:53, Jan 26 2010

Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 eCosCentric Limited
RedBoot is free software, covered by the eCos license, derived from the
GNU General Public License. You are welcome to change it and/or distribute
copies of it under certain conditions. Under the license terms, RedBoot's
source code and full license terms must have been made available to you.
Redboot comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Platform: Logic Zoom OMAP L138 eXperimenter (ARM9)
RAM: 0xc0000000-0xc4000000 [0xc0022128-0xc3fed000 available]
FLASH: 0x70000000-0x707fffff, 128 x 0x10000 blocks

If it proves necessary to re-install RedBoot, this may be achieved by repeating the serial download and fis create parts of the above process. It is not necessary to reinitialize the FIS and fconfig.


If the board has been supplied with a TI User Boot Loader (UBL) version prior to 1.65, then on startup the board may output a string on the serial port saying "No magic number found". Earlier Zoom boards were known to be supplied with version 1.30. In this situation you will need to locate the script flashimg.tcl in the misc subdirectory of the Zoom platform HAL (i.e. packages/hal/arm/arm9/zoom_l138/VERSION/misc/flashimg.tcl) along with the redboot_ROM.bin file in the loaders subdirectory of your eCosPro installation, and run the following command at a command prompt:

flashimg.tcl -oldubl redboot_ROM.bin redboot-oldubl.img

You can then follow the above instructions for installing RedBoot, but use redboot-oldubl.img in place of uses of redboot_ROM.img.

You will also need to perform this step on any ROM startup user applications to be programmed into Flash using a JTAG device and booted by UBL.

Programming RedBoot into NOR flash using the TI Serial Boot and Flash utility

Texas Instruments have made available a command-line Serial Boot and Flash Loading Utility for OMAP-L138. More information including download and usage instructions is available here on their website.

With this utility, you can program a ROM startup version of RedBoot in raw binary format (a prebuilt version of which may be found at loaders/zoom_l138/redboot_ROM.bin within your eCos installation). On Windows, we advise running the utility from a Command Prompt, rather than from a Cygwin bash shell.

Before running the utility, first you need to connect your PC to the board's serial port using a null-modem RS232 serial cable. Secondly, (with the board powered off) you must set DIP switch bank S7 so that switches 7, and 8 are set to the ON position and the rest are set to the OFF position. If you wish to confirm the board is configured correctly, then you can start a terminal emulator application (such as Hyperterminal on some versions of Windows) and connect to the serial port at 115200 baud, 8-N-1 with no hardware flow control, then you should see a "BOOTME" prompt when you power on the board.

To program the redboot_ROM.bin image, change directory to the directory containing the UBL binary file (which is included with the Serial Boot and Flash utility download), copy the redboot_ROM.bin into that directory, and then run the utility as follows:

sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -flash ubl_OMAPL138_SPI_MEM.bin redboot_ROM.bin -APPStartAddr 0xC0008040 -APPLoadAddr 0xC0008000

After successful completion, RedBoot will be resident in SPI NOR Flash. To return to the normal boot mode, you must reset the SW7 DIP switches to their default position allowing booting from SPI NOR Flash. To do so, set all S7 switches to their OFF positions.

Rebuilding RedBoot

Should it prove necessary to rebuild a RedBoot binary, this is done most conveniently at the command line. The steps needed to rebuild the ROM version of RedBoot for the Zoom L138 are:

$ mkdir redboot_zoom_l138_rom
$ cd redboot_zoom_l138_rom
$ ecosconfig new zoom_l138 redboot
$ ecosconfig import $ECOS_REPOSITORY/hal/arm/arm9/zoom_l138/VERSION/misc/redboot_ROM.ecm
$ ecosconfig resolve
$ ecosconfig tree
$ make

At the end of the build the install/bin subdirectory should contain the files redboot.srec and redboot.img. redboot.img is a binary file that includes a 16 byte header needed by the User Boot Loader to load RedBoot successfully.